Friday, July 31, 2009

Pumpkins and Trellising

I started growing my Pumpkins up this year! Here is an update of whats happening so far! Ive found 2 little pumpkins. It looks so pretty. It has givin my fence new life. Im using an old Trundle Bed frame for them to grow on. Its nice and sturdy. Currently my pumpkin vines are intertwining with my Wysteria. Ive also got some Gourds starting and some Peppers and Mexican Sage growing in that area as well. Its a little cluster of everything.
Maxamizing all my space in that side Gardening bed. It kinda looks like a mini jungle. I love having lots of green in the backyard.


  1. Your container Garden really looks good Jenn. Have you tried Annie Haven's Manure Tea? it is a natural for container plants easy to handle and "re-cycled" totally organic. It increases yield like crazy.
    Check it out I have know Annie's Family for 50+ years. Her Uncle taught me a bunch about tomatoes in the 60's
    The link is in my latest Blog Post

    Talk later

  2. Thanks chuck! I will have to check that out! I have rabbits and have made rabbit poo tea with that and use chicken manure in my compost!


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