Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seeds to Tomato Plants!

Starting seeds seemed overwhelming! This was my first year to start all my Tomato's from seed!
I feel I am off to a great start! Actually, I have started everything from seed this year!

I planted 72 Tomato seeds. 3 plants did not germinate. Pretty good for a first timer.

I started all my seeds in the Jiffy pucks that come in mini green houses. They worked pretty well for my first time using that method.

As they set true leaves, I then trasplanted them to these bigger containers I had laying around. I used Organic potting soil mixed with rabbit poo. Some seem a little leggy, thats ok! I will be burying those leggy babies pretty deep anyway

I have tomato's everywhere! I have a feeling it is going to be a great canning year!

Happy Gardening!!!


  1. Hey Jenn, what does it mean when they say that the tomato plants are "leggy?" I've heard this before and I can't figure out what it means. I wonder if mine are leggy, too. Yours look really healthy, and bigger than mine, too.

    Also, is it necessary to put the tomato plants in larger containers before replanting? I wasn't sure if I should or not. I moved a few of them, but it seemed to freak them out and they look kind of wilted and saggy. I was afraid to move the rest.

    Thanks! :)

  2. Melissa,
    Leggy means when the stalks are really long without alot of leaves. It is good to transplant your seed starts into bigger containers. It helps them establish better roots. Tomatos will get bigger and bushier if you transplant. They may look a little droopy after transplant. Just give them some water and a couple days to perk up! Good luck


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